U.S. Air Force Basic Occupational Badge

Item# UA3475



These Air Force Uniform Skill Badges - Basic are manufactured by Action Embroidery to fit the specifications for the United States Air Force ABU & OCP uniforms. They are available for all occupation groups currently listed with the USAF, and in all degrees. Each badge features high-detail embroidery that renders the badge design clearly and distinctly, highlighting all of the symbolism in each one's heraldry. This makes them clearly visible and easily distinguishable while honoring the mission of service members affiliated with each occupation.

Basic badges are worn by USAF personnel who have completed training or recently transferred into a new role, as shown when general officers assigned to command and staff headquarters transfer to the basic badge within their new organization. Badges range from tactical and support occupations to military history, flight crew, and medical roles. Most are worn by both enlisted personnel and officers, but some high-profile, specific roles like flight surgeon are worn only by officers or only by single AFSCs and not entire groups. In all, these badges represent the full range of roles and missions that fall within the purview of the USAF.

  • Conforms to all uniform guidelines for size, color, and materials
  • Heavy-duty stitching holds up well under conditions of everyday wear and use
  • Attaches easily in just a few minutes with a basic sewing kit

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