The next time you're camping or going on your next adventure, be sure to carry your gear in the Sea to Summit Stuff Sack. This multi-use, durable bag is made of heavy-duty 70D nylon that is coated with polyurethane. The inside of this bag has a white coating to help eliminate moisture and make it easier for you to search through your bag. Though this camping sack is not fully waterproof, it is highly water resistant with a 2,000mm hydrostatic head measurement, meaning your valuables will stay safe up to slightly more than 6 feet under water. Tightly close the Stuff Sack using a tear-proof drawcord throat design, then comfortably carry it using a reinforced pull handle attached to the bottom. The Stuff sack is available in a variety of sizes ranging from XXS to XXL, with the smallest allowing you to carry small electronics and the largest allowing you to carry a tent canopy and more.
XXS - snacks, wallet & keys
XS - a shell jacket or lightly insulated jacket
S - essentials: gloves, a warm hat, a headlamp, a dry base layer
M - a warmer puffy jacket
L - up to five days' worth of food
XL - a tent canopy
XXL - food, toiletries etc. when used as a critter bag'
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