Whether you are a civilian or a tactical professional, a single bag to hold all your gear can come in handy in numerous situations. For your utmost convenience, you need to get the Condor E&E Bag. The E&E stands for escape and evade, and by keeping everything within a discreet, compact bag, you will be confident that nothing will get left behind. The flap contains an inner layer made out of clear vinyl, which means you can use it as a drop in zippered compartment or a map case. The main compartment contains dual zippers and a detachable divider.
Several elastic loops are found in the E&E Bag. Modular attachments can be applied due to the presence of resilient, heavy-duty webbing. There is even a pouch that is capable of holding a radio, and it even comes with antenna access. Finally, this bag comes with a back pocket that is padded and features a panel that is compatible with hook and loop attachments.
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